
Insoft on palvellut IT-yhteisöä Ciscon virallisella koulutustarjonnalla vuodesta 2010. Tältä sivulta löydät kaikki olennaiset tiedot Ciscon koulutuksesta.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco opintopisteet (CLC) ovat suoraan Ciscon kanssa lunastettuja prepaid-koulutusseteleitä, jotka helpottavat menestyksen suunnittelua ostaessasi Ciscon tuotteita ja palveluita.

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Cisco Continuing Education

Cisco täydennyskoulutusohjelma tarjoaa kaikille aktiivisille sertifioinnin haltijoille joustavia vaihtoehtoja uudelleensertifiointiin suorittamalla erilaisia kelvollisia koulutuskohteita.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Sertifioidut työntekijät ovat ARVOSTETTUJA omaisuuseriä. Tutustu Ciscon valtuutettuun digitaaliseen oppimiskirjastoon ja kouluta itseäsi tallennettujen istuntojen avulla.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program keskittyy Cisco Channel Partnersin ja asiakkaiden liiketoimintataitojen terävöittämiseen.

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Insoft Services on auktorisoitu Fortinet-kouluttaja useassa Euroopan maassa.

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ATC Status

Tarkista ATC-tilamme valituissa Euroopan maissa.

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Insoft Services tarjoaa Microsoftille EMEAR-koulutusta. Tarjoamme Microsoftin teknistä koulutusta ja sertifiointikursseja, joita johtavat maailmanluokan ohjaajat.

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Extreme Networks Technical Trainingin kehitys tarjoaa kattavan progressiivisen polun associate-akkreditoinnista ammatilliseen akkreditointiin.

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Valtuutettuna koulutuskumppanina (ATP) Insoft Services varmistaa, että saat korkeimman saatavilla olevan koulutuksen.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Missiomme: Tarjota asiantunteva joukko moderneja ja huippuluokan verkkoautomaatiotaitoja markkinoille asiantuntijapalvelujen avulla.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Autamme organisaatioita ottamaan käyttöön Software-Defined Networking (SDN) -ratkaisuja, kuten Cisco DNA:ta.Lisäksi tiimillämme on laaja kokemus Cisco DNA Centerin integroinnista kolmannen osapuolen järjestelmiin.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Koulutusvalikoimaamme kuuluu laaja valikoima IT-koulutusta IP-palveluntarjoajilta, mukaan lukien Cisco, Extreme Networks, Fortinet, Microsoft, muutamia mainitakseni, EMEA-alueella.

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VMware vSphere: What’s New

Ota yhteyttä

Voit olla meihin yhteydessä ja tiedustella koulutuksistamme täydentämällä yhteystietosi ja koulutuksen nimen oheen.

Tietosuojalauseke ja yksityisyys

Suostun vastaanottamaan sähköpostiviestejä ja/tai puheluita Insoft Services Oy: n tuotteista ja palveluista.
Hyväksyn, että tietojani kerätään ja käsitellään Insoft Servicesin tietosuojakäytännössä kuvatulla tavalla.


VMware vSphere: What’s New

3 päivää
(Online ja paikan päällä)
Hinta pyydettäessä

In this three-day, hands-on training course, you will explore the new features and enhancements in VMware vCenter Server® 6.5 and VMware ESXi™ 6.5. Real-world use case deployment scenarios, hands-on lab exercises, and lectures will teach you the skills that you need to effectively implement and configure VMware vSphere® 6.5. This course is recommended for customers who want to deploy vSphere 6.5 into their existing vSphere environment.


Product Alignment
•  ESXi 6.5
•  vCenter Server 6.5


This course is also available in an On Demand format. For more information, select this link:  VMware vSphere: What’s New [V5.5 to V6.5] – On Demand.

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
• List and describe key enhancements in vSphere 6.5
• Use VMware vSphere® Client™, VMware Host Client™, and the VMware vCenter® Server Appliance™
• Add users to the lockdown exception users list and test the lockdown mode
• Configure virtual machines to check for and install newer versions of VMware Tools™
• Upgrade virtual machines to the current hardware
• Create a multisite content library for synchronizing virtual machine templates, vApps, ISO images, and
scripts across vCenter Server instances
• Enable the VMware vSphere® Authentication Proxy service to automatically add new hosts to the Active
Directory domain
• Configure NFS- and iSCSI-backed virtual volumes to provide a common storage platform, independent of
the underlying storage hardware
• Create storage policies and use these policies with virtual machines and virtual volume datastores
• Work with VMware vSphere® Network I/O Control to create and configure a distributed switch
• Use VMware vSphere® vMotion® to migrate virtual machines across vCenter Server instances
• Activate the high availability feature of vCenter Server Appliance
• Back up a vCenter Server Appliance instance by using a file-based backup solution from the vCenter
Server Appliance Management Interface
• Use virtual machine encryption to encrypt and decrypt virtual disks
• Use encrypted vSphere vMotion to securely migrate virtual machines
• Migrate from Windows vCenter Server to vCenter Server Appliance

  1. Course Introduction
    • Introductions and course logistics
    • Course objectives
  2. New Features in vSphere 6.5
    • Use vSphere Client, VMware Host Client, and the vCenter Server Appliance shell
    • Discuss the new features and enhancements in vSphere 6.5
  3. Installation and Upgrade
    • Describe new vCenter Server architecture features
    • Choose between a distributed configuration and an embedded configuration, based on your requirements
    • Describe the enhancements to vCenter Server Appliance
    • Describe how to upgrade vCenter Server 5.x and 6.0 to vCenter Server 6.5
    • Describe how to upgrade an ESXi 5.x host to an ESXi 6.5 host
    • Summarize the purpose of content libraries in a vSphere environment
    • Discuss the vSphere requirements for content libraries
    • Create a local content library
    • Subscribe to a published content library
    • Deploy virtual machines from a content library
  4. Compute Enhancements
    • Discuss the enhancements to vSphere 6.5 scalability and performance
    • Discuss the additional features to support hot-plug and SMART solid-state drives
    • Discuss the improvements to lockdown settings
    • Describe the addition of smart-card authentication
    • Explain the changes that enhance user accountability
    • Discuss how virtual hardware 11 and 13 extend virtual machine resource configurations
    • Describe how using large receive offload reduces CPU-associated costs for network packet processing
    • Discuss how hot-add memory is distributed across NUMA nodes in vSphere 6.x
  5. Storage Enhancements
    • Describe the new features of VMFS6
    • Describe the migration procedure from VMFS5 to VMFS6
    • Discuss the benefits of using NFS v4.1 with vSphere
    • Identify the differences between NFS v3 and NFS v4.1
    • Describe the implications of using NFS v4.1
    • Describe the VMware vSAN™ enhancements in the following areas: Scalability, Performance, Availability, Space efficiency, Operational, Usability
    • Describe the benefits of using virtual volumes
    • Describe per-virtual machine, policy-based policy management
    • Describe how VMDK data operations are offloaded to storage arrays through the use of VMware vSphere® API for Storage Awareness™
    • Describe the interoperability enhancements to VMware vSphere® Storage DRS™ and VMware vSphere® Storage I/O Control
    • Describe the enhancements to vSphere Storage DRS and Storage I/O Control that improve adherence to configured maximums and reservations
  6. Security Enhancements
    • Plan for secure boot support for ESXi hosts
    • Use encryption in your vSphere environment
    • Encrypt virtual machines
    • Explain how to back up encrypted virtual machines
    • Encrypt core dumps
    • Enable encrypted vSphere vMotion
    • Deploy enhanced vCenter Server events and alarms, and vSphere logging
  7. Network Enhancements
    • Use Network I/O Control
    • Upgrade Network I/O Control to version 3
    • Enable network resource management on VMware vSphere® Distributed Switch™
    • Configure bandwidth allocation for system and virtual machine traffic based on shares and reservation
    • Discuss IPv6 support in vSphere 6.0
    • Explain how the gateway per vmknic feature works and how it is configured
    • Explain the new ERSPAN headers supported in vSphere 6.5 and how they are configured
    • Describe the areas where performance improvements were made in vSphere 6.5
  8. Management Enhancements
    • List the core security modules that are part of VMware Platform Services Controller™
    • List the VMware certificate management components
    • Describe certificate use changes in vSphere 6.0
    • List the certificate management components that are part of Platform Services Controller
    • Describe the primary services provided by the VMware Certificate Authority component
    • Describe the primary services provided by the VMware Endpoint Certificate Store component
    • Define VMware CA certificate replacement options
    • Describe ESXi certificate replacement options
    • Discuss certificate-based guest authentication
  9. Availability Enhancements
    • Describe how vCenter Serve High Availability works
    • Describe how Platform Services Controller high availability works
    • Configure vCenter Server High Availability and Platform Services Controller high availability
    • Describe the TCP/IP stack for vSphere vMotion that was introduced in vSphere 6.0
    • Explain the changes that make vSphere vMotion migrations across high-latency networks possible
    • Discuss the requirements for migrating a virtual machine across vCenter Server instances
    • Explain how VMware vSphere® Fault Tolerance in vSphere 6.0 supports virtual machines with multiple virtual CPUs
    • Describe how vSphere Fault Tolerance maintains the secondary virtual machine in a ready state
    • Explain the mechanism by which the primary virtual machine is determined
    • Discuss the improvements made in handling all paths down (APD) and permanent device lost (PDL) conditions
    • Describe the increased scalability of vSphere HA
    • Explain the additional compatibility supported by vSphere HA
    • Explain the enhancement of vSphere HA admission control in vSphere 6.5
    • Describe the improvement of vSphere HA orchestrated restarts
    • Discuss how Proactive HA helps reduce VM downtime
    • Describe when to use these advanced vSphere DRS options in vSphere 6.5:
    • Describe VM distribution
    • Discuss memory metrics for load balancing
    • Describe CPU over commitment
    • Reduce the need for vSphere HA with Proactive HA
    • Increase VM and workload uptime with Predictive DRS

System architects, system administrators, IT managers, VMware partners, and individuals responsible for implementing and managing vSphere architectures

This course requires completion of one the following courses or equivalent knowledge and administration experience with VMware ESX®/ESXi and vCenter Server:
•  VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.5 or V6]
•  VMware vSphere: Fast Track [V5.5 or V6]
•  VMware vSphere: What’s New [V5.5 or V6]
•  VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting [V5.5 or V6]




The course material presumes that you can perform the following tasks with no assistance or guidance before enrolling in this course:
•  Install and configure ESX or ESXi
•  Install vCenter Server
•  Create vCenter Server objects, such as data centers and folders
•  Create and manage vCenter Server roles and permissions
•  Create and modify a standard switch
•  Create and modify a distributed switch
•  Connect an ESX/ESXi host to NAS, iSCSI, or Fibre Channel storage
•  Create a VMware vSphere® VMFS datastore
•  Enable vSphere vMotion on an ESX/ESXi host
•  Use a wizard or a template to create a virtual machine
•  Modify a virtual machine’s hardware
•  Migrate a virtual machine with vSphere vMotion
•  Migrate a virtual machine with VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion®
•  Configure and manage a VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™ cluster with resource pools
•  Configure and manage a VMware vSphere® High Availability cluster




If you cannot complete all of these tasks, then VMware recommends that you instead take the VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.5] course.

In this three-day, hands-on training course, you will explore the new features and enhancements in VMware vCenter Server® 6.5 and VMware ESXi™ 6.5. Real-world use case deployment scenarios, hands-on lab exercises, and lectures will teach you the skills that you need to effectively implement and configure VMware vSphere® 6.5. This course is recommended for customers who want to deploy vSphere 6.5 into their existing vSphere environment.


Product Alignment
•  ESXi 6.5
•  vCenter Server 6.5


This course is also available in an On Demand format. For more information, select this link:  VMware vSphere: What’s New [V5.5 to V6.5] – On Demand.

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
• List and describe key enhancements in vSphere 6.5
• Use VMware vSphere® Client™, VMware Host Client™, and the VMware vCenter® Server Appliance™
• Add users to the lockdown exception users list and test the lockdown mode
• Configure virtual machines to check for and install newer versions of VMware Tools™
• Upgrade virtual machines to the current hardware
• Create a multisite content library for synchronizing virtual machine templates, vApps, ISO images, and
scripts across vCenter Server instances
• Enable the VMware vSphere® Authentication Proxy service to automatically add new hosts to the Active
Directory domain
• Configure NFS- and iSCSI-backed virtual volumes to provide a common storage platform, independent of
the underlying storage hardware
• Create storage policies and use these policies with virtual machines and virtual volume datastores
• Work with VMware vSphere® Network I/O Control to create and configure a distributed switch
• Use VMware vSphere® vMotion® to migrate virtual machines across vCenter Server instances
• Activate the high availability feature of vCenter Server Appliance
• Back up a vCenter Server Appliance instance by using a file-based backup solution from the vCenter
Server Appliance Management Interface
• Use virtual machine encryption to encrypt and decrypt virtual disks
• Use encrypted vSphere vMotion to securely migrate virtual machines
• Migrate from Windows vCenter Server to vCenter Server Appliance

  1. Course Introduction
    • Introductions and course logistics
    • Course objectives
  2. New Features in vSphere 6.5
    • Use vSphere Client, VMware Host Client, and the vCenter Server Appliance shell
    • Discuss the new features and enhancements in vSphere 6.5
  3. Installation and Upgrade
    • Describe new vCenter Server architecture features
    • Choose between a distributed configuration and an embedded configuration, based on your requirements
    • Describe the enhancements to vCenter Server Appliance
    • Describe how to upgrade vCenter Server 5.x and 6.0 to vCenter Server 6.5
    • Describe how to upgrade an ESXi 5.x host to an ESXi 6.5 host
    • Summarize the purpose of content libraries in a vSphere environment
    • Discuss the vSphere requirements for content libraries
    • Create a local content library
    • Subscribe to a published content library
    • Deploy virtual machines from a content library
  4. Compute Enhancements
    • Discuss the enhancements to vSphere 6.5 scalability and performance
    • Discuss the additional features to support hot-plug and SMART solid-state drives
    • Discuss the improvements to lockdown settings
    • Describe the addition of smart-card authentication
    • Explain the changes that enhance user accountability
    • Discuss how virtual hardware 11 and 13 extend virtual machine resource configurations
    • Describe how using large receive offload reduces CPU-associated costs for network packet processing
    • Discuss how hot-add memory is distributed across NUMA nodes in vSphere 6.x
  5. Storage Enhancements
    • Describe the new features of VMFS6
    • Describe the migration procedure from VMFS5 to VMFS6
    • Discuss the benefits of using NFS v4.1 with vSphere
    • Identify the differences between NFS v3 and NFS v4.1
    • Describe the implications of using NFS v4.1
    • Describe the VMware vSAN™ enhancements in the following areas: Scalability, Performance, Availability, Space efficiency, Operational, Usability
    • Describe the benefits of using virtual volumes
    • Describe per-virtual machine, policy-based policy management
    • Describe how VMDK data operations are offloaded to storage arrays through the use of VMware vSphere® API for Storage Awareness™
    • Describe the interoperability enhancements to VMware vSphere® Storage DRS™ and VMware vSphere® Storage I/O Control
    • Describe the enhancements to vSphere Storage DRS and Storage I/O Control that improve adherence to configured maximums and reservations
  6. Security Enhancements
    • Plan for secure boot support for ESXi hosts
    • Use encryption in your vSphere environment
    • Encrypt virtual machines
    • Explain how to back up encrypted virtual machines
    • Encrypt core dumps
    • Enable encrypted vSphere vMotion
    • Deploy enhanced vCenter Server events and alarms, and vSphere logging
  7. Network Enhancements
    • Use Network I/O Control
    • Upgrade Network I/O Control to version 3
    • Enable network resource management on VMware vSphere® Distributed Switch™
    • Configure bandwidth allocation for system and virtual machine traffic based on shares and reservation
    • Discuss IPv6 support in vSphere 6.0
    • Explain how the gateway per vmknic feature works and how it is configured
    • Explain the new ERSPAN headers supported in vSphere 6.5 and how they are configured
    • Describe the areas where performance improvements were made in vSphere 6.5
  8. Management Enhancements
    • List the core security modules that are part of VMware Platform Services Controller™
    • List the VMware certificate management components
    • Describe certificate use changes in vSphere 6.0
    • List the certificate management components that are part of Platform Services Controller
    • Describe the primary services provided by the VMware Certificate Authority component
    • Describe the primary services provided by the VMware Endpoint Certificate Store component
    • Define VMware CA certificate replacement options
    • Describe ESXi certificate replacement options
    • Discuss certificate-based guest authentication
  9. Availability Enhancements
    • Describe how vCenter Serve High Availability works
    • Describe how Platform Services Controller high availability works
    • Configure vCenter Server High Availability and Platform Services Controller high availability
    • Describe the TCP/IP stack for vSphere vMotion that was introduced in vSphere 6.0
    • Explain the changes that make vSphere vMotion migrations across high-latency networks possible
    • Discuss the requirements for migrating a virtual machine across vCenter Server instances
    • Explain how VMware vSphere® Fault Tolerance in vSphere 6.0 supports virtual machines with multiple virtual CPUs
    • Describe how vSphere Fault Tolerance maintains the secondary virtual machine in a ready state
    • Explain the mechanism by which the primary virtual machine is determined
    • Discuss the improvements made in handling all paths down (APD) and permanent device lost (PDL) conditions
    • Describe the increased scalability of vSphere HA
    • Explain the additional compatibility supported by vSphere HA
    • Explain the enhancement of vSphere HA admission control in vSphere 6.5
    • Describe the improvement of vSphere HA orchestrated restarts
    • Discuss how Proactive HA helps reduce VM downtime
    • Describe when to use these advanced vSphere DRS options in vSphere 6.5:
    • Describe VM distribution
    • Discuss memory metrics for load balancing
    • Describe CPU over commitment
    • Reduce the need for vSphere HA with Proactive HA
    • Increase VM and workload uptime with Predictive DRS

System architects, system administrators, IT managers, VMware partners, and individuals responsible for implementing and managing vSphere architectures

This course requires completion of one the following courses or equivalent knowledge and administration experience with VMware ESX®/ESXi and vCenter Server:
•  VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.5 or V6]
•  VMware vSphere: Fast Track [V5.5 or V6]
•  VMware vSphere: What’s New [V5.5 or V6]
•  VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting [V5.5 or V6]




The course material presumes that you can perform the following tasks with no assistance or guidance before enrolling in this course:
•  Install and configure ESX or ESXi
•  Install vCenter Server
•  Create vCenter Server objects, such as data centers and folders
•  Create and manage vCenter Server roles and permissions
•  Create and modify a standard switch
•  Create and modify a distributed switch
•  Connect an ESX/ESXi host to NAS, iSCSI, or Fibre Channel storage
•  Create a VMware vSphere® VMFS datastore
•  Enable vSphere vMotion on an ESX/ESXi host
•  Use a wizard or a template to create a virtual machine
•  Modify a virtual machine’s hardware
•  Migrate a virtual machine with vSphere vMotion
•  Migrate a virtual machine with VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion®
•  Configure and manage a VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™ cluster with resource pools
•  Configure and manage a VMware vSphere® High Availability cluster




If you cannot complete all of these tasks, then VMware recommends that you instead take the VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.5] course.