Understanding LTE technology and its planning principles. This course in-depth analyzes cell and capacity planning techniques, resource management schemes, traffic and interference control strategies. Moreover, the main tools for network planning are highlighted.
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2 päivää

(Online ja paikan päällä)

Hinta pyydettäessä
- Network design
- Planning prerequisites
- Planning datasheets and tools
- E-UTRA radio access
- UL/DL performance
- Radio resource allocation
- MIMO technologies and performance
- MIMO antennas
- MIMO Cell Planning
- LTE propagation models
- LTE link budget
- Interference management
- E-UTRAN capacity planning
- LTE backhauling dimensioning
- Network tuning
- SON algorithms
- Advanced features (LTE-A)
Network operation and maintenance personnel and network designers involved in LTE radio planning and access dimensioning.
UMTS network architecture and protocols good skills and LTE access network basic understanding.
Understanding LTE technology and its planning principles. This course in-depth analyzes cell and capacity planning techniques, resource management schemes, traffic and interference control strategies. Moreover, the main tools for network planning are highlighted.
- Network design
- Planning prerequisites
- Planning datasheets and tools
- E-UTRA radio access
- UL/DL performance
- Radio resource allocation
- MIMO technologies and performance
- MIMO antennas
- MIMO Cell Planning
- LTE propagation models
- LTE link budget
- Interference management
- E-UTRAN capacity planning
- LTE backhauling dimensioning
- Network tuning
- SON algorithms
- Advanced features (LTE-A)
Network operation and maintenance personnel and network designers involved in LTE radio planning and access dimensioning.
UMTS network architecture and protocols good skills and LTE access network basic understanding.
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